Karin Gurtner
Synergising integral anatomy, scientific insights, and resource-oriented movement for body, mind, and heart
Welcome to My World of Resource-Oriented Integrative Movement!
What I offer, alongside a global network of educators and teachers, is a vitalising movement practice that benefits life, coupled with comprehensive education programs providing professionals with the necessary tools informed by integral anatomy, science, and experience.
On this page, you will discover my upcoming events, a curated collection of my books, articles, and podcasts, as well as links to art of motion courses and practice videos.
I am happy to connect with you!
For You and Us
This website serves as a space where inner and professional growth resonate with the collective heartbeat. The recommended practices are for you—personally—resourcing your body-mind to experience the maximum of your being physically, mentally, emotionally, and in relation to others. On a professional level, I believe that comprehensiveness, clarity, and skilful, wholehearted delivery of our FAMO Fascia Movement (former Slings Myofascial Training) education courses reflect what we aim to convey: integrity.
Why Become Fluent in the Language of Fascia?
Why become fluent in the language of fascia and make time to embody the FAMO Fascia Movement (former Slings Myofascial Training) practice? Because understanding the intricacies of the fascial system provides us with guidance on how to give our time on the mat a new dimension. The practice itself serves as an effective, joy-filled tool for enhancing body-mind integrity. By deliberately engaging in this work, you move forward on the path of being your most vitalised self. It is an active contribution to “be the maximum of your being”, echoing the wise words of Bernard Crettaz, the founder of the death café movement in Switzerland.